Welcome to xMadking's Portfolio
Currently a MSc in Software development student @ Blekinge Institue of Technology. Let us take a trip to show you what I'm about :)
LETS GO!I am Ahmad!
Currently I am studying for a master's degree at the Blekinge institute of technology (Which is very pretty! look above 😊). I am an ambitious person who seeks self-improvement constantly. In my free time I enjoy playing games with friends. Coding and working with software is my passion, I love working with software whenever I can. Why don't you checkout some of the projects I've worked on? 😀
Some of my best qualities are:
- Always willing to learn
- Flexible
- Team player
A simple API request library to the lol-esports api. Made for personal use
Available on PyPI. Not affiliated with lolesports.com or riot games.
A wordle inspired game where the objective is to guess the correct player of the day.
Joint project with a friend :)
xMadKing.dev V1
The first version of this website written in mostly HTML, CSS and a little bit of Javascript. Very basic.
xMadKing.dev V2
This very page! A Portfolio website made using Svelte, DaisyUI, Tailwindcss and a few
The repository is still private, however it will be made public in the future.
A discord bot written in Rust. The bot allows you to view the standings of certain pro
leagues and informations about players. Currently private.
Have also worked with many of the associated libraries such as CUDA, Multi-threaded/Multi-process programming.